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Story Progress Reset After Purchasing Diablo III

업데이트됨: 4년 전
해결법 번호: 114489
제품 관련:

일반적인 문제:

I was as far as I could get in the questline when I hit level 14 and upgraded, but the game reset back to the first quest

If you have played the starter edition of Diablo III before purchasing the full game and upgrade to the full version, the game sometimes offers the first quest again to your character. The character progress is not lost when this happens. 

To get back to the correct quest, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the game
  2. Select your hero
  3. Click Game Settings underneath the Start Game or Resume Game button
  4. In the Game Settings window, make sure Campaign is selected
  5. Click on the Change button in the Options pane
  6. Click on the highest numbered quest available to expand
  7. Click on the save point of the quest you want to start from
    • Select Begin quest if you want to restart the quest or, if available, choose later options to start with later parts of the quest
    • Because save points are only set up at specific points during the quest, you may have to backtrack a little