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Learned Battle Pet Rarity Does Not Match Item Rarity

업데이트됨: 2년 전
해결법 번호: 147314
제품 관련:

일반적인 문제:

  • Bought a rare pet for Champion's Seals at the Argent Tournament and it gave me uncommon quality pet
  • Purchased a blue pet in the auction house and it turned green when I learned it
  • My Parrot Cage (Hyacinth Macaw) was purple but I only got a rare pet from it

Items which can be used to learn a battle pet are marked according to their in-game rarity. They do not always correspond to the quality of the pet. Epic (purple) or Rare (blue) pet items can grant Rare (blue) or Uncommon (green) pets. Battle pets once learned do not come in epic or legendary qualities.