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No Reputation in Drustvar

업데이트됨: 2년 전
해결법 번호: 177412
제품 관련:

일반적인 문제:

  • I do not have a reputation bar for Order of Embers faction in Drustvar
  • Not getting any reputation gains when questing in Drustvar

Some quests don't award reputation, you can check individual quest rewards on Wowhead.com.

Gaining reputation with Order of Embers is relatively simple: Quest through Drustvar until you complete  A New Order to reach Friendly, then complete World Quests in Drustvar at level 120 for additional reputation. You can unlock world quests by reaching level 120 and completing the  Uniting Kul Tiras.

World Quests spawn throughout the day at set times for max-level players that have completed  Uniting Kul Tiras. Regardless of difficulty, world quests award a flat 75 reputation before buffs. During the World Quest Bonus Event in Battle For Azeroth, players get bonus reputation with the appropriate faction via  Sign of the Emissary