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Can't hand in Warfront Contribution

업데이트됨: 2년 전
해결법 번호: 182048
제품 관련:

일반적인 문제:

Already did all of the contribution dailies first before picking up the quest Warfront Contribution which requires you to "make a donation to the War Effort."

Repeatable Warfront contribution quests reset daily and are only available during the contributions phase of the Warfront cycle. If you have completed all available contribution quests before starting the quest Warfront Contribution (Horde: 53209 | Alliance: 53185), you will need to wait until the daily reset or next contributions phase to complete the quest.

For issues with quests, achievements, or other in-game questions, you may want to consult third-party sites like Wowhead, WoWDB, or Icy Veins. We are unable to provide hints or strategies for game content.